Our burlap bags are extremely versatile. They are rugged, inexpensive compared to other materials, lightweight, durable and breathable. All of this despite not allowing water to easily pass through it. They can be used for many, many things, including:
Burlap bags can also be used in various art projects, as curtains, a table cloth or throw rug, to re-upholster chairs and sofas, as weed control and soil erosion. Most frequently they're used to store and transport things like coffee and vegetables such as potatoes and coffee (they're even called potato bags or coffee bags in some circles).
At Dayton Bag & Burlap Co. we are proud to provide custom burlap bags to fit your needs. If it is not in stock, we will custom manufacture burlap bags to your specifications. Add a drawstring, tie string, or tag to your bag. Or let us custom print your bag with your logo. (Printing Up to 2 colors on burlap).
Submit your request and we'll get back to you soon.
National Sales Office & Plant
Dayton Bag & Burlap
322 Davis Avenue
Dayton, OH 45403
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